Saturday, January 16, 2021

Air Fried Chicken Pot Pie in the Ninja Foodi Grill - Part 4

Part 1 & 2 were created by my own cooking suggestions and part 3 was inspired by the cooking suggestions of others and didn't turn out as I had hoped. I decided to do part 4 and this time I set the Air Crisp mode on 325° F for 25 minutes.

For best results wrap the edges with foil straps and press down on the underneath side to ensure that the foil is secure and won't fly around and damage anything. 

Air Crisp on 325° instead of 375° from part 3.

Rotate the basket halfway through. 

Let rest for 5 minutes after cooking. 

Nice golden brown crust.

The bottom crust was done and the internal temperature was 197 to 200° F (165° F is required) after a 5 minute rest inside the grill with lid closed.

Much better! So tasty for only .98 cents!

For more information on using your Ninja Foodi Grill, Tips, Tricks and Recipes, feel free to join the Ninja Foodi Grill ❤️ Lovers Group on Facebook found here:



Recommended Reading:

Happy Cooking! - CJ

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